Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

So...I did it. I finally started a blog...now what? I guess the appropriate thing to do is to introduce myself.  Here are 10 things you may not know about me. (Come to think of it, this is an introduction, so chances are good that you will learn something today!)  An educational experience - and we've only just begun. Enjoy!
  1. I want to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune.
  2. I was a vegetarian throughout high school.
  3. I lost 80 pounds in 2006, attained Lifetime status with Weight Watchers, and am now a Weight Watchers Leader.
  4. I've never been drunk. (I'm a sipper, not a chugger!)
  5. I was trained as a professional clown and am past-president of our local clown alley.
  6. I'm left handed.
  7. I prefer Diet Coke over coffee and peanut butter over chocolate.
  8. I can lick my nose with my tongue.
  9. Someday I will write a book that is a cross between Irma Bombeck and Paul Harvey.
  10. My 2009 New Year's Resolution is to eat less, move more, spend less and simplify.

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