I must be feeling a little better. I'm noticing now how dirty the kitchen floor is and even finished a couple loads of laundry this afternoon. I also realized I haven't exercised in a week and am feeling "flabby".
I hope my stuffy head miraculously disappears overnight tonight. I have my final critique tomorrow morning to become certified as a Weight Watchers leader and don't want to sound as if I'm wearing a clothespin on my nose. I spent a fair amount of time preparing and rehearsing the meeting today. This week's topic is on Motivating Strategy and I chuckled to myself when I realized the coincidence of timing and topic. This week I have been so sick that I haven't cared about what I put in my mouth nor exercised. And I'm supposed to provide an inspirational approach to motivating strategy? HA! Perhaps honesty will be the best policy tomorrow as I confess my habits over the last week. It will prove that everyone, at every stage of their weight loss effort, suffers from motivation (or lack there of) as a normal, human part of weight loss and management. Even those like me who have reached their weight goal and become Lifetimers experience motivational struggles from time to time. Wish me luck and say a prayer for me as I am nervous about conducting my first WW meeting from start to finish tomorrow.
I'll be critiqued by my Trainer, Mentor and Boss, all at the same time! I am thankful each of these ladies are very kind and want me to succeed so their feedback will be much appreciated. I am feeling adequately prepared and know the content well. I believe in Weight Watchers and have a good base of knowledge of the program, tools and training techniques so I can rely on my education and knowledge if I get stuck or lose my train of thought.
Well I'd better sign off for tonight. I need a new tissue and another dose of Tylenol...sw